To access fact sheets mentioned in the webinars, see our Fact Sheets and Flyers.
7/16/24 What Parents Need to Know When Applying for Their Adult Child's SSA Benefits
1/30/24 How Parents’ Social Security Benefits Impact Their Adult Child with IDD
11/13/23 Update for 2024 on the Medicare Drug Benefit for People Who Have Both Medicare and Medicaid (the Dual Eligibles)
2/8/23 Medicaid Unwinding: Requires a 'redetermination' application to continue Medicaid & DDD services
11/3/22 Update for 2023 on the Medicare Drug Benefit for People Who Have Both Medicare and Medicaid (the Dual Eligibles)
11/3/22 How to use the Medicare plan finder for Dual Eligibles
11/1/22 When Parents Collect Social Security: How Parents' Social Security Benefits Impact Their Adult Loved One with IDD
10/18/22 Navigating the Medicaid Maze Webinar
9/22 Potholes on the Road to Getting SSI
5/24/22 Medical and Dental Ramifications of COVID-19 for Individuals with IDD
5/17/22 Grieving Lives Lost and Loss of Lives
Dual Eligibles with IDD w/ Beverly Roberts, former Director of Mainstreaming Medical Care at The Arc of NJ
Fireside Chat Video on Dual Eligibles with IDD with Beverly Roberts, former Director of The Arc of New Jersey's Mainstreaming Medical Care Program and Lisa Ford, Senior Director of The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute.
3/22 When Parents Collect Social Security: How Parents' Social Security Benefits Impact Their Adult Loved One with IDD
2/22 Medicaid and Medicare and Dual Eligibility
10/26/21 When Parents Collect Social Security: How Parents' Social Security Benefits Impact Adult Children with IDD
9/21 The Impact of the COVID pandemic on Social Security benefits for persons with IDD
Webinar Archive
Presented on December 9, 2020
Presented on January 16, 2019.
Presented on December 12, 2018.