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Food Insecurity and the Criminal Justice System: Implications for Mood, Behavior, Cognition, Physical Health, and Criminality

Monday, November 20, 2023
1:00 pm2:00 pm

Food insecurity is a major public health issue and has been associated with several short and long-term neurobiopsychosocial negative outcomes. One group often overlooked as it pertains to the topic of food insecurity are individuals involved in the criminal justice system. This training will examine the impact food insecurity has on criminal justice involved populations and its implications for mood, behavior, cognition, physical health, and criminality. Other relevant topics of interest discussed include incarceration, offender reentry and criminal recidivism, anger, aggression, and violence, psychosocial determinants of poor health, high-risk coping strategies, internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems, malnutrition, gut-brain health axis dysfunction, poverty and homelessness, toxic stress exposure, and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) among others. Empirically based research findings will be highlighted throughout this training.